Be Unmatchable.

Match Pet Brands Criteria and Review Process:

  • A company chooses the products they want to submit for review through our request form.

    If accepted, samples will be requested.

  • Match Pet Brands reviews a brand’s product using our Match Pet Criteria to define a product’s status and potential.

    Based on score, a company will be presented with three options to choose from:

    1. Be invited to the Match Pet Platform as a featured brand

    2. Work with our experts to improve their product score to become Match Pet Brand Certified

    3. Resubmit after product improvements for a new Review Score at a future date

  • Certified Brands gain access to expert pet industry consulting, US market channel partners and give-back collaborators for enhancing their competitive advantage to create an unmatchable product offering.

    New brands are on-boarded for any of the following Match Pet Brands offerings:

    1. Match Pet Platform

    2. Match Pet Presents subscription box, expo, and activation programs

    3. MatchPetTV (Coming 2024)

Our Review Criteria:


Aesthetic Criteria

  • A culmination of all things visual of a product:

    Design Category
    Color Offering
    Size Offering
    Packaging Appearance
    Packaging Useability

  • Tactile response, ergonomics, and texture.

  • Odor strength, application and variation.

  • A panel of pets of varying interests will be presented with a product series taste test.

  • How a product engages hearing of both pet and human.


Finesse Criteria

  • What purpose does a product serve and is it realistic to user needs or accessibility?

  • Does this product deliver its use case effectively?

  • How does a product measure up in endurance for it’s Use Case?

  • Product safety checks from human and pet perspectives alike.

  • How useable and accessible is the product for its intended purpose?


Awareness & Impact Criteria

  • Is a product upcycled, recyclable, a by-product?

    Is the company enrolled in a water, carbon, or plastic neutrality initiative?

  • The supply chain planning process and product delivery methods.

  • Is the company or brand involved in an on-going community impact program?

  • Does the company and/or brand of the product have a Code of Conduct, Modern Slavery Panel Passing Score, Inclusive Employment Policy, or special hiring programs that benefit local communities?

  • Accolades, Bragging Points and Certifications that bolster a product’s unique selling points.

And most importantly…

The Pet Perspective

Combining a gauntlet of review categories with in-action use-cases we present the reviews that matter most in the most enjoyable way - with pets testing their products without influence.

Releasing soon with MatchPetTV to give pet parents, brands, and retailers insight to how the REAL customers will rate their products at home.